
The Biz Growth Blog

Why Call to Actions Are Important

Sep 14, 2023 | Uncategorized


Enticing potential customers to convert into paying customers is a paramount objective of most businesses in the pursuit of growth and sustainable success. It is now a great challenge just to get your business noticed online, where consumers are bombarded with too much information on a daily basis.

The playing field changes even further as you have to devise and employ effective strategies to retain the attention of your customers and turn them into loyal patrons of your business. Paramount to these strategies is enticing the consumer to take action, whether to make a purchase, sign up for a newsletter, or simply engage with your brand.

The Growth Manager fully understands the importance of enticing an audience or a consumer to act. We are a leading authority in devising marketing and growth strategies, including the art of Call-To-Actions (CTAs) to help drive tangible results.

In today’s business landscape, enticing prospects and consumers to take action is the name of the game. Keep in mind that any and every form of interaction you have with your target audience is a potential opportunity to grow your business. The Growth Manager can help you, as experts in this field, devise ways to optimise your conversions and maximise its potential to drive sales for the business of your dreams.

Consumers today are continually being inundated with endless choices and information, the downside of this ‘information overload’ is that people’s attention spans are shrinking. The evolving presence of the internet and the dependence of people on mobile devices means that anyone can have access to information quickly and constantly, anytime, anywhere.

Yes, we do acknowledge that although attention spans are shrinking, it is simply the byproduct of how we are evolving. One benefit of this ‘evolution’ is that we now have the ability to be highly selective of the information we absorb.

Now, why is this important, you may ask? Great question! Knowing what drives your audience to stay a few more seconds in their interaction with your site is like having them strike a small load of gold on the ground. You buried that gold with a visible vein that makes them think it’s leading to more.

You have created an opportunity to entice them to keep digging and to follow that vein to wherever you want to take them. How do you do that? The answer is obvious, → call-to-action.

Quick note: The gold on the ground is your sales and/or marketing content. The vein is your CTAs.

You must seize these fleeting moments when potential customers visit your site or engage with your marketing materials. This is where your CTAs come into play.

The Growth Manager Why Call to Actions Are Important What is a Call To Action?

A CTA is a strategic element in marketing that encourages your audience to take a specific action, preferably for them to perform a desired task. The goal of having a CTA is to help guide your users towards the next step in their consumer journey. You can entice them to take action towards making a purchase, reading more of your content, signing up for newsletters or free trials, sharing your content on social media, or requesting more information.

There are both hard and soft CTAs, depending on where your customer is on their journey. For example, a softer CTA is needed if they are in the stage where they are still learning about your product or service.

Your CTA can be a simple invitation for them to learn more. Hard CTAs need more direct language, such as enticing them to ‘buy now’, ‘click here to order,’ or ‘get yours, today.’ That being said, a CTA can both be a culmination of your campaign or merely a step in the process.

Regardless of your intent, be that to increase your subscriber base or convince them to make a purchase, you must have the best possible and compelling CTA to get them there.

Key Takeaways.

  • CTAs are designed to get an immediate response from a person reading your content.
  • Action verbs are used in CTAs.
  • CTAs improve user’s experience and move them along the sales funnel
  • CTAs are essential elements in turning your prospects into customers.

How do Call To Actions Work?

With all the work that goes into creating a digital marketing strategy, the last thing you want is for your audience to go somewhere else and do nothing after spending time with your content.

Of course, the most obvious use for CTAs is in sales. However, realise that sales isn’t the only place a CTA can be helpful. CTAs should be used on all types of marketing materials and on every marketing platform you’re on.

This includes PPC ads, landing pages, websites, blogs, newsletters, emails, and more. Always have a CTA even if it’s as simple as using hyperlinked plain text in your content, although using clickable CTA buttons stands a better chance of garnering clicks.

CTAs work by creating a sense of urgency that helps in increasing conversions. As long as you keep your potential customers engaged on your site, then you can be sure that your CTA has done its job.

You don’t need to stick to existing examples, though. Being creative and making up your own call to action that’s new but attention-grabbing. Stick to what your company does for your customers, when in doubt, consult your mission statement.

For example, if you run a spa where you also offer facial treatments. Use verbs and modifiers into 2-5 word CTA. You may add relevant information where necessary → ‘Get a free mud mask’ or ‘Give yourself a treatment!’

What are the Advantages of Using Call to Actions?

When each piece you put out has a clear CTA, your audience will not be left in doubt as to the intention of your content, which won’t leave your reader clicking away out of confusion or apathy. Content that builds excitement and a bit of intrigue, encourages your readers to dig deeper into the topic. Your CTA will help direct them to where you want them to go next, and guide them seamlessly to become a paying customer.

For example, if you have a virtual store, you’d want to direct them to products they should purchase and close the deal as soon as possible. Customers and consumers are inundated with marketing messages on a daily basis, as a consequence, audiences become frustrated and confused. The solution to combat this frustration and confusion is a clear call to action.

Consider the following advantages of using clear CTAs:

#1. It’s a well-structured navigator for your visitors.

CTAs work perfectly as a clear direction map to inform prospective clients where to look next and what to do after. This eliminates confusion and decision fatigue. Note that CTAs are just as important to business owners – and they are expected by customers as well.

#2. Helps in expanding your customer base.

CTA buttons like ‘Follow me on Facebook’ or as impactful ‘Subscribe Today!’ or ‘Buy Now’ serve as great leverage for any online business. From here, you can expand your user database of potential clients.

#3. Helps in improving your conversion rates.

Tapping into your audience’s curiosity helps in expanding the number of click-through rates for your website. The simpler and easier you make it for audiences and customers to go around your website, the more people will do so.

Clear CTAs provide your visitors with the easiest route to the next step. You help eliminate the need to solve a problem.

#4. Enhance your users’ experience.

One more reason to add CTAs to your marketing content is to improve your users’ experience by increasing your site’s usability, decreasing frustration, and increasing consumer loyalty. Clear CTAs are like signposts for your users that aid in easy navigation. It also says that your site is well-designed and trustworthy.

Clear CTAs are the best finishing touch for any type of content you produce. It’s a subtle way of telling your consumers that they should take action right away for their best benefit.


Without a call to action, you will leave your audience, customers, and potential ones hanging after engaging with a piece of your content. Not leading them to move on to other things on your website is a lost opportunity for you to convert them into loyal customers.

We know the effort and time it takes to create superb sales and marketing materials, but they can all be lost and wasted in the absence of great call to actions.

Make the most of your sales and marketing strategy by downloading The Growth Manager’s Guide to Call to Actions to help you:

  • Understand your consumers.
  • Know your offerings.
  • Create your Call-to-Action strategy, and
  • 200 Call to Actions to Boost Your Sales.

Don’t miss out on this vital resource and Gain INSTANT Access today!

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